Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Level 21 - Giant Size Level!

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to The Next Level. We are your source for comic book opinions and debates. I’m your host Stefan, and I’ll be here with you discussing Comic Books, Video Games, and other items of note. Please note, for a purely gaming blog, I'd recommend Pwning Pat's Game Blog. The Next Level would also like to thank Jackie Fong for designing our logo.

This post will contain reviews of:
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #157
  • Brightest Day #24
  • Green Lantern #65
  • Green Lantern Corps #59
  • Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #9
  • The Flash #10
  • The Flash #11
  • A Review of the Story Mode of Mortal Kombat
Ultimate Spider-Man #157

This issue begins nearly immediately after the previous one ends. Spider-Man is rushing home to warn his family that Norman Osborn and other villains have escaped and are gunning for him. At the same time, Osborn and Dr. Octopus are debating whether or not they should even go after Spider-Man. Osborn wants to kill him, and Octavius is trying to tell him that he's out. In response, Osborn attacks Octavius, and they degenerate into a large scale battle across the city streets. Spider-Man arrives at home, and tells his family to leave. After they do, he receives a call from Mary Jane: On the one news channel not covering the fight between the New Ultimates and Avengers, Osborn has murdered Octavius on the street.

After successfully tracking down the office where Osborn and the other members of the Sinister Six were hiding out, Spider-Man attempts to intervene in the New Ultimates and Avengers battle, and enters the path of a sniper: The Punisher. The Punisher attempts to shoot Captain America, but the bullet strikes Spider-Man.

Wow. Really Excited to see how this one plays out, considering we now know for sure that there will be a new Ultimate Spider-Man under the suit after this storyline. Will Peter Parker die? Will he be crippled? Gotta read on to find out.

Brightest Day #24

This issue begins with the retelling of the White Lantern reveal: Alec Holland. For the readers who were unfamiliar with Alec Holland, the Entity recaps his story, revealing that after he died in laboratory explosion, his essence was absorbed by the Parliament of Trees, releasing a protector: The Swamp Thing. However, we learn that the Dark Avatar is Swamp Thing, which now believes it is Nekron rather than Alec Holland. Captain Boomerang is then overcome with the urge to throw a dark energy boomerang at Dove. He does so, and Hawk attempts to catch it, but it slices through his hand, but does not hit Dove. We then see that Deadman took the boomerang in the chest and is killed.

The Entity explains that in order to properly raise Alec Holland, someone needed to die. Once Deadman is...dead, the White Ring flies off of his finger to Alec's and fully resurrects him. He then absorbs the power of the Elementals, and is told by the Entity that he must become the Swamp Thing. Using the power of the Elementals, Swamp Thing is able to destroy the Dark Avatar and restore all the damage done by the Dark Avatar. Upon their release, we get an epilogue for each member of the Elementals: Aquaman discovers that the Xebellian Rebels during Aquawar were being armed by members of Atlantis, Martian Manhunter saves the girl whom he injured in issue 5, Hawkman is released but Hawkgirl remains dead, and Firestorm discovers that the Firestorm Matrix is building to detonation. Finally, we see Swamp Thing kill some executives who were planning to dump toxic waste, and the cops begin to investigate the return of the Swamp Thing.

So...I enjoyed this story but I have zero intention of following the Swamp Thing into the aftermath stories. That said, I found myself getting really into the Aquaman and Firestorm stories, and will be following those characters for the foreseeable future.

Green Lantern #65

The issue begins with Kilowog being corrupted fully by Krona, and Hal and Guy finding a safe house they'd set up in years past. The safe house contains a ship, which the two of them use to fly to Oa to find Kyle and John. As they get to Oa, their ship is destroyed by Kilowog, and Guy and Hal enter an escape pod and are found by Kyle and John.

During their planning sessions, Hal reveals that he still has all of the rings of the New Guardians, and he suggests that the best way to take on the Green Lantern Corps is to arm themselves with the rings. Hal takes the yellow ring, and Guy takes the red ring, while Kyle selects the blue ring. John initially opts for the orange ring, but is talked out of it by Hal, who gives him the Indigo ring. They slip on their rings, and prepare for battle.

This issue felt exactly like what it was: the middle of an event. But it also was a true turning point, as we've got a viable plan to take down the Green Lantern Corps. What will happen next?

Green Lantern Corps #59

With their plan set in motion, the four Earth-based Green Lanterns move to save Ganthet. While each of them struggles to get the hang off their new rings, Ganthet is battling the possessed-Green Lantern Corps. After being ambushed by some Green Lanterns, the four Earth-based Lanterns are able to get to Ganthet, who is in shock at the fact that Four Earth Lanterns have taken on other rings.

Ganthet verbally trashes Hal, and seeks to help free the Green Lantern Corps, but at that moment, the Planet Green Lantern Mogo arrives and attacks them.

I found this a bit more interesting than the previous issue in the War for the sole purpose of Ganthet being so angry with Hal taking on the other ring. Combined with the notion of the First Green Lantern, and the prophecy revealed in Green Lantern #62, there is serious ground here to build an excellent story.

Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #9

This issue picks up with Mogo attacking the Lanterns, and in order to escape, they head underground, being separated from Ganthet. While underground, the Lanterns discuss their options: rescuing Mogo, or removing Parallax from the Central Power Battery. The Lanterns vote 3 to 1 to remove Parallax, and thus attempt to travel to the battery underground. They discover a lost chamber containing many of the lost technologies of the Guardians: including Krona's Power Gauntlet, not connected to the Central Power Battery.

The four Lanterns are attacked by Shedd, a non-possessed Green Lantern, which allows them to capture the Gauntlet. However, they find that the Foundry is creating more Green Lantern rings and sending them to Mogo for programming. This means that Krona will have a nearly limitless supply of possessed Green Lanterns. As a result, Kyle changes his vote, and he and John move off to free Mogo, leaving Hal and Guy to try and remove Parallax before they are attacked by the Butcher.

As I was saying in the last previous review, we're setting up a lot of groundwork for the post-war status quo, and I like it a great deal. Finally, the War is starting to heat up and I cannot wait for the conclusion.

The Flash #10

This issue begins by revealing that Hot Pursuit is not Barry Allen from the future, but is in fact the Barry Allen from an alternate Earth. However, Kid Flash appears and attempts to point out to The Flash that he cannot take anything that Hot Pursuit says at face value. As a result, Hot Pursuit takes off, looking for fuel for his motorcycle. At the same time, Bart Allen argues with Barry that he feels that Barry has a problem with him personally.

Once the situation is dealt with, Barry returns to work, and reunites with his old lab analyst Patty (who CLEARLY has feelings for him). While explaining the Elongated Kid case to her, Barry gets a call, indicating there is another crime scene with the same modus operandi. This time, Barry notices that there are tire tracks (similar to the Hot Pursuit's motorcycle), and there is a young boy left as a witness.

The Flash #11

The issue opens up with Barry Allen explaining to his superior why the tire tracks are significant, while at the same time revealing that the witness hasn't said a word, but is comfortable with Patty. Barry gets a call asking him to come home for "an intervention". Basically, his family believes that he's not really living his life, and is in fact just running around from case to case ignoring his family.

Bart Allen races off angrily, and Barry runs after him, but Bart is attacked by Hot Pursuit. Hot Pursuit tells Barry that Bart must be the time distortion, and must be sent back to the future, attacking him with his cosmic nightstick. At the same time, Patty (confirming her attraction to Barry to herself) discovers that there was no Gingold in the Elongated Kid's system, but instead there was a strange electrical charge. At that moment, the witness walks in, his eyes begin to glow the familiar electric red, and he restores himself to his natural age, revealing himself to be... Professor Zoom.

If there has been one problem this book has had, it's the shipping delays. However, despite the lateness of this issue, we've finally got a strong lead-in to Flashpoint, and we're extremely excited.

Mortal Kombat

This is a first for The Next Level, as we normally let Pwning Pat focus on video games. But it was decided to supplement Pwning Pat's Review of Mortal Kombat with this post focusing on the story mode of the game.

The story is broken in two three Acts, and 16 Chapters of 4 fights each. Each Act loosely corresponds to the timeline of one of the original three Mortal Kombat games. Act 1 consists of Chapters 1 through 5. The story begins with the ending of Mortal Kombat Armageddon, showing Shao Kahn gaining all the power of Blaze and destroying all of existence. Just before Raiden is destroyed, he has the realization that "HE MUST WIN!", and sends visions of his future to his past self. His past self sees these visions, and realizes that events must change.

During the events of the first game's tournament, hosted by Shang Tsung, the Raiden from that era possesses visions of the events from the future, he notices his amulet has cracked, signaling troubling times ahead. Across the tournament's battles, Raiden comes to the conclusion that Liu Kang is to win the tournament and save Earthrealm. He urges him to fight Shang Tsung. He does so and is victorious, however, Raiden's amulet cracks further, a sign that future events remain unchanged. Disappointed with Outworld's defeat, Shao Kahn orders Shang Tsung's execution, but relents after being given the proposal of holding the second tournament in Outworld. During the events of the tournament, due to Raiden's assistance of Smoke, whom was to be subjected to cybernetic transformation as per Lin Kuei orders, Sub-Zero instead undergoes the procedure, inadvertently altering the timeline. Raiden attempts to substitute Kung Lao as the champion of the new tournament. Kung Lao, however, is killed by Shao Kahn after defeating Kintaro, leaving Liu Kang to be champion once again.

Despite Liu Kang's fatal victory over Shao Kahn, Kahn launches an invasion of Earth despite warnings by the Elder Gods that by merging Outworld and Earthrealm, he will earn their wrath. Nightwolf halts Quan Chi's ritual. However, the interference causes Shao Kahn's forces to assault the headquarters of the Earthrealm warriors, as Kabal, Stryker, Cyber Sub Zero, Jax, Smoke, and Jade are all killed and Johnny and Sonya injured by Sindel. Kitana unsuccessfully pleads her mother, who comments that she is no longer her mother, and fatally wounds Kitana. Nightwolf, in a desperate attempt kill Sindel, uses all of his remaining energy to destroy both himself and the empress. As Raiden and Liu Kang return from an unsuccessful consult with the Elder Gods was shocked of the event that took place. Liu Kang, upon seeing Kitana and all his allies dead, becomes angry, believing Raiden to be insane with his visions.

During an attempt to ally with Quan Chi in order to stop Kahn's invasion, Raiden realizes that Shao Kahn is the one meant to win by merging the realms, as it would mean that the Elder Gods would intervene, and meets with Liu Kang about this news. However, Liu Kang has already deemed Raiden insane as his efforts to change the past. They fight, with Liu Kang threatening to kill him if he insists on interfering. Raiden inadvertently kills Liu Kang instead just as Kang is about to intercept Shao Kahn. Overwhelmed with grief and guilt over the loss of his friend as well as countless others, Raiden remorsefully surrenders to Shao Kahn voluntarily. The Elder Gods intervene, and grant him the power necessary to kill Kahn, freeing Earthrealm. Raiden vows to rebuild Earthrealm and tend to the injured with Cage and Sonya.

In the end, Quan Chi is seen meeting with Shinnok. The two discuss using Earthrealm's vulnerability in making the Netherrealm the dominating force in the universe.

Why did I love this story mode:
  • The relationships between characters are explained and expanded upon
  • You get to play as, and fight, characters prior to major changes (Cyrax/Sektor before they were cyberneticized, Jax before his arms get ripped off)
  • Despite being a near-reboot, the story succeeds in being both new and nostalgic for all fans of Mortal Kombat.


So that's the end of this absolutely RIDICULOUSLY long post. Thankfully, with the situations in my life having come to a close, I'll be able to return to my regular posting schedule.

Thoughts? Questions? Feedback is always welcome. Leave a comment or email

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Status Update

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry about the lack of updates this month, but we at The Next Level have been swamped with our real life situations. That said, later today (or maybe tomorrow), expect the biggest post we've ever done. I hope it was worth the wait.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Level 20: DOUBLE FEATURE - Weeks of 04/02/11 and 04/09/11

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to The Next Level. We are your source for comic book opinions and debates. I’m your host Stefan, and I’ll be here with you discussing Comic Books, Video Games, and other items of note. Please note, for a purely gaming blog, I'd recommend Pwning Pat's Game Blog. The Next Level would also like to thank Jackie Fong for designing our logo.

It's time for a first here at The Next Level: A Double Feature! Today, we'll be reviewing last week's Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #8, as well as this week's Brightest Day #23 and Fear Itself #1. Each issue provided something different, yet wholly interesting, and I'm happy to review them for you.


Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #8

This issue began with Guy, Arisia, and Kilowog recapping the events of the first arc of this book (described in Level 17), and disagreeing over the actions taken. Guy clearly states that he is the "go-to" Lantern when things get dirty. Hmm, interesting. Anyway, at this point, we get the now familiar *IMPURITY RESTORED* page, and Arisia falls under the sway of Krona. Arisia begins to fly to Oa, while Kilowog and Guy tried to stop her, until they encounter another group of cadet Lanterns who are also under Krona's sway. Kilowog rockets Guy toward a predetermined Safe House to find Hal Jordan, who may be one of the only free-minded Lanterns left.

At the meeting place, Hal and Guy recap the events of the first issue in the war, and correctly deduces their Parallax Resistance. However, when Hal asks how Krona could be controlling the Corps so completely with his Parallax plan, Guy reveals his earlier pact with Atrocitus and Ganthet, while also revealing that Krona had been stealing power from the Corps. Hal angrily asks why he wasn't informed, and Guy angrily states that he doesn't need to be informed of everything. They fight for a few pages, before realizing that the Parallax influence was subtly influencing their conflict. They remove their rings and stand together, wondering how to save the Corps.

Well... I don't know how to feel about this issue. I really enjoy this storyline, as it's really bringing everything from the Green Lantern universe to a head. But at the same time, I'm not getting the epic feel from it yet. Maybe it's a bit too early, but considering that the next issue of the war is supposed to be amazing, I'll reserve judgement.


Brightest Day #23

The skies across the world have gone black. Planes have been grounded, storms are raging, and people are dying. The Dark Avatar has risen. The only place that's safe? The Star City Forest created by the White Light. Deadman stands with his ring raised at Firestorm, who explains that Firestorm, and the other people supposedly killed by the White Light were being used to defend the Earth. At this point, The Dark Avatar shows up at the forest, and begins to wreak havoc.

The ring blasts Firestorm, completely immolating him. However, clearly Firestorm is not dead. The White Ring summons the other "killed" heroes as Elementals (Firestorm = Fire, Martian Mainhunter = Earth, Hawkman and Hawkgirl = Air, Aquaman = Water). The Elementals attack the Dark Avatar, but are only able to slow it down. At this point, the main tree of the forest starts to glow with the White Light symbol, and the White Lantern is revealed.

Yes, I know, I'm not revealing who the White Lantern is. I decided that until the next issue hits, I'm going to let people pick up this issue and read it. I did enjoy this issue, despite some really corny writing, and I'll be sad when this series ends in two weeks.


Fear Itself #1

This was the best book of the last two weeks, by FAR! The issue begins with a protest in Lower Manhattan (clearly meant to parallel the discontent over the proposed construction at Ground Zero), which devolves into a riot. Shortly thereafter, Sin enters the Fortress built in Antarctica to house the Hammer (as chronicled in The Book of the Skull). After revealing that she'd seen a vision of herself lifting the Hammer, she does so, becoming Skadi. Back in America, the Avengers announce a construction project to employ the people of Broxton to rebuild Asgard after the events of Siege.

Skadi swims to the bottom of the ocean, and uses the Hammer to kill some sort of Water Dragon (or maybe a Leviathan), and enter a prison with Asgardian Runes. The Hammer then frees an old man who claims to be the REAL All-Father. Feeling the release of the being that Odin calls the Serpent, Odin orders that all Asgardians should leave Earth. Thor disagrees, and in response, Odin attacks him, and bests him. Taking Thor prisoner, Odin and the other Asgardians use Yggdrasil to leave the Earth. Back in the Antarctic, The Serpent summons the Worthy (another group of Hammers falling to the Earth), and declares that he will make this world quake with fear before confronting his usurper.

Wow! This book was fantastic! The art was amazing, and the writing was top notch. Some really good points include a reporter, during the riot, asks Steve Rogers (who is otherwise occupied trying to stop people from killing each other) what side of the issue he falls down on, and Steve replies, "Are you kidding me?! I'm Anti-RIOT! Now go home!". I haven't been this excited for a Marvel event in a very very long time, and I cannot wait for the next issue.


Thoughts? Questions? Feedback is always welcome. Leave a comment or email

Monday, April 4, 2011

To Be Determined

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to The Next Level. We are your source for comic book opinions and debates. I’m your host Stefan, and I’ll be here with you discussing Comic Books, Video Games, and other items of note. Please note, for a purely gaming blog, I'd recommend Pwning Pat's Game Blog. The Next Level would also like to thank Jackie Fong for designing our logo.

I'd like to apologize for the lack of of an update this Monday, as I've had some non-blog related items to take care of. Rest assured, this week's post will come a day late. Be Ready. As a treat, this is an image of myself as a Green Lantern, as designed by Jackie Fong.