Monday, July 4, 2011


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to The Next Level. We are your source for comic book opinions and debates. I’m your host Stefan, and I’ll be here with you discussing Comic Books, Video Games, and other items of note. Please note, for a purely gaming blog, I'd recommend Pwning Pat's Game Blog. The Next Level would also like to thank Jackie Fong for designing our logo.

Today, a departure from the norm. We won't be reviewing all of the comic books that have come out since our hiatus (as we're saving that for our big Lever 25 post this weekend), but will instead be discussing something else near and dear to the hearts of all of the staff here at The Next Level.

With one or two exceptions, every staff member is a fan of the Mobile Suit Gundam metaseries. When discussing the series with staff members and outsiders, we described a list of moments which made us love Gundam, and we've now decided to share this list with you.

  1. This is a personal list, and as such is opinion-based. It is your right to disagree if you so choose.
  2. Each entry will contain a screenshot, and a brief explanation of why it deserves a spot on this list.
  3. There is no order to this list. The second item is no better or worse than the first.
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: The Destruction of Space Fortress Barge

There is no simple way to explain the concept of Gundam Wing, but I will certainly try my best. The main characters are a team (in a loose sense of the word) of terrorists bent on freeing outer space from the tyranny of the Earth Alliance in general, and the OZ organization in particular. Now in Gundam Wing, allegiances shifted pretty much every five episodes, but OZ more or less always remained in the antagonist's role, anchored by their mobile space fortress, Barge. But this all changed in the latter 15 episodes of the series.

Another terrorist organization from space, calling itself White Fang, declared its independence from Earth immediately, and launched a military campaign with the Gundams caught in the middle. In the midst of the battle, the White Fang's ace pilot breaks through the OZ battle formations, and destroys Barge.

The key to this scene was twofold. First, the scene plays heavily on the knowledge of the viewer at how important Barge was to the OZ organization. Sure enough, once Barge fell, OZ fell. Secondly, the music being played in the background was not your standard background battle music. This was a much more energetic song, building to a crescendo when Barge is finally destroyed. This scene was shown in such a way that after watching it, you knew that a turning point had just been reached.


Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: The Death of Four Murasame

It is a cliché in the Gundam world that the main love interest for the protagonist must die (with one or two major exceptions). But once in a while, the death angle is performed so strongly, that it chills even the most jaded viewer.

Kamille and Four had been starcrossed lovers from the beginning. There was no chance of their relationship surviving, but during a battle between the AEUG and Titans, Four begins to come around to Kamille's way of thinking. However, the Psyco Gundam which Four had been riding in was attacked by Jerid Messa, and Four was killed. However, Zeta Gundam was a dark show, and instead of having Kamille scream out in pain at his lost love, he tries in vain to resuscitate her, and even carries her corpse back to his ship. In the end, with his lost love in his arms, Kamille turns to his commanding officer and makes a demand that will shape the remainder of the series (which there is no need to mention here, as you either have ZERO idea what I'm talking about and it'll take too long to explain, OR you already know so why bother).


Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Miriallia Snaps

Backstory: Miriallia is an NCO in the Earth Armed Forces. She's joined up to help because, through no fault of her own, she was stranded on an Earth ship, and chose to do something rather than be useless. Her boyfriend Tolle made the same choice. In the previous battle, her boyfriend was shot down, and killed. Throughout the next episode, Miriallia is barely maintaining her composure.

After beginning to lose control, she is escorted to sick bay by a fellow NCO, where she steps inside and attempts to cry, but the tears won't flow. However, her attempt wakes up a patient, a restrained enemy soldier who was being treated there. After insulting her a few times, the enemy soldier begins to realize that someone close to her had been killed, and he then started insulting her dead comrade, using a racial slur (as the war in Gundam SEED had ethnic overtones). This causes Miriallia to snap, grab a scalpel and attempt to murder the enemy soldier. Her friend NCO hears the ruckus from next door, and rushes in to keep Miriallia from completing her murderous task, and he holds her back while she screams, "Tolle is dead! How can Tolle be dead, while a piece of trash like this still lives!?!" The enemy soldier can only look on in shame for what he has done. Miriallia has lost her mind with grief, showing a very human side to this war.


Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: Cagalli Returns

Gundam SEED Destiny was full of missteps. This was one of the few story points that was actually well-received. After a near-coup, the Seiren family had taken control of the nation of Orb from the Attha family, exiling the eldest child Cagalli from the nation, claiming that she holds no sway over Orb politics.

About 30 episodes later, Orb is invaded, and due to the mismanagement of the Seiren Administration, the nation appears as if it will fall. However, a squadron of Mobile Suits appears to bolster the Orb line, lead by the Akatsuki, piloted by Cagalli. The Seiren's are so happy to see Cagalli defend her homeland, Cagalli tricks them into verbally confirming that she is the legitimate ruler of Orb. Once this is done, she gives her first order: Arrest the Seiren Family for treason.

There's a reason this is on my list, and it's not because it's the greatest storyline in Gundam history or anything, but it's because you finally got to see something that you'd always wanted in Gundam SEED Destiny. GSD was one screw-up after another, and the fans were beginning to fall away from the series, mainly because of an over-reliance on nonsensical plots and clip shows. With this, the series began one final course correction, by removing most of the superfluous elements and trying to bring the show back to what it was meant to be...before finally screwing it up again and falling into obscurity.


Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Graham's GN Flag

Season 1 of Gundam 00 is heavily political, and for the most part, defiant of most Gundam clichés. One character in particular caught my interest: Graham Aker. In episode 18, Graham showed that he had what it took to be the absolute best. But he was forgotten for the rest of the season... or so we thought.

After an intense battle with the Alvarron, Setsuna in the Gundam Exia is still trying to catch his breath, as he is the last remaining soldier from his team. But at this second, his proximity alarm goes off and we see:

A GN Flag. Fulfilling his promise to his fallen comrades, Graham enters into one of the most memorable battles in recent Gundam history, and takes down Setsuna in once of the most terrific exchanges of Mobile Suit combat I've ever seen.


Mobile Suit Gundam 00 S2: Awakening of 00

Gundam 00 has many religious overtones. Many of the Mobile Suits have names that are angelic, the organization Celestial Being is in reference to Angels, and Setsuna himself has a devotion to the Gundams that borders on religious. All of this came to a head in Season 2, Episode 2.

Setsuna's friends are getting destroyed outside, and the 00 Gundam will not start. There is something wrong with the reactor. Setsuna begins to recite, "Please awaken 00. The 0 Gundam is here. The Exia is here. And so am I!". As he screams the last piece, the reactor starts, and a very inspiring piece of orchestral music begins to play in the background, and Setsuna declares the launch of the 00.

Why is this on the list you may ask? Adherence to the theme of the show. When Setsuna announces that 00 is launching, his voice quivers like a religious man who has just witnessed a miracle (in the original Japanese audio anyway). It felt so real, that it stuck with me.


Mobile Suit Gundam 00 S2: The Final Battle

In traditional Gundam history, the protagonist and antagonist fight the final battle in the most advanced versions of their Mobile Suits. But, Gundam 00 spits in the face of tradition, and forges a new path.

The antagonist, Ribbons, steals the 0 Gundam (the original Gundam in this timeline, and also the Gundam that Setsuna looked up to as if it were God) and uses it to try and find Setsuna. When he finds Setsuna's 00 Raiser Gundam, he sees that the cockpit is open and the reactor is missing. There is a flash of light, and you see the Gundam Exia fly into the scene, with Setsuna speaking again in his "miracle" voice that he will clear a path to the future. This is followed by the final battle itself.

Thoughts? Questions? Feedback is always welcome. Leave a comment or email