Monday, March 21, 2011

Level 17 - A "War" is Coming...

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to a Special Edition of The Next Level. I’m your host Stefan, and I’ll be here with you discussing Comic Books, Video Games, and other items of note. Please note, for a purely gaming blog, I'd recommend Pwning Pat's Game Blog. The Next Level would also like to thank Jackie Fong for designing our logo.

This Special Edition of the Next Level will be a primer, to get our readers ready for:


NOTE: This post assumes that readers are up-to-date with everything up until the end of Blackest Night. However, in the interest of fairness, no MAJOR spoilers will be revealed. Reader discretion is advised.

There are four main storylines that lead into the War of the Green Lanterns. Each of these stories will be examined, with details that will prove relevant to the war highlighted.


Green Lantern - The New Guardians

This story begins as the titular New Guardians (the leaders of the Seven Corps) call a truce at the end of Blackest Night. They then use this opportunity to attempt to hunt down the Seven Emotional Entities which are living manifestations of the emotions of each Corps. However, Ion is deep in the sun of Daxam (after Sodam Yat plunged himself into it during the Blackest Night prelude arc Emerald Eclipse), and Parallax has been stolen away.

While the New Guardians are busy doing their thing, A hooded figure appears on Atrocitus' home planet of Ryut. This figure is revealed to be the one who both wrote the Green Lantern Oath, and the captor of Parallax. This figure then travels to Daxam, and pulls Sodam Yat out of the sun (hinting at the kind of power this person must possess), and forcibly separates the Ion entity from him, taking it captive.

After some hi-jinks, and the capture of the majority of the entities, the New Guardians are confronted by The Flash, who isn't all that thrilled with the idea of Green Lantern working with some of the people that recently tried to invade the planet (referring to Sinestro during the Sinestro Corps War). During the hunt for Adara (the Hope entity), the hooded figure (who is also wrapped in bandages) uses Parallax to possess the Flash. A fight ensues, with the Hooded figure capturing all the entities, but not before being revealed as the Mad Guardian known as Krona. Krona escapes into space to prepare to cleanse the universe of emotionally unbalanced races.

As a small side-plot that was unimportant for this story, but which will surely become important later on, the Guardians of the Universe were unable to find Hal Jordan, and when they did, he was with the New Guardians. Seeing him consort with enemies of the Green Lantern Corps, Hal has been charged with treason and is to be judged.

Green Lantern Corps - Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns

This story arc deals with the Cyborg Superman taking control of the Alpha Lanterns in order to lead an insurrection against the Guardians of the Universe. I include this storyline in this recap for completion's sake, as I'm fairly certain that no element of this story will come into play in the War.

Green Lantern Corps - The Weaponer

In this storyline, the Weaponer, who originally forged Sinestro's yellow ring, takes Soranik Natu hostage, in the hopes of forcing a duel between himself and Sinestro. The Weaponer has also devised a shield powered by remnants of the White Light construct from Brightest Day #3. During the battle, it is revealed by Ganthet that the only reason he agreed to help the Green Lantern Corps was to search for the entity thief. His secret is revealed when Atrocitus' blood communication activates at an untimely juncture. The rest of this storyline is irrelevant to the overall War, but it does wonders for solidifying Sinestro as a badass, Kyle Rayner as a jackass, and John Stewart as a soldier. Of the four Earth-based Green Lanterns, I feel that Kyle Rayner is the most likely candidate to be killed off.


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors - Last Will

This storyline sees Guy Gardner, Arisia, and Kilowog travelling to the Unknown Sectors to fight a warlord named Zardor who has been telepathically controlling Green Lantern Corps recruits to do his bidding. It is revealed that Zardor is working for Krona in a limited capacity, but isn't 100% committed to him. Sodam Yat is also recovered from his Solar experience and creates a new segment of a Corps, almost like a cult, in order to overthrow the Guardians. This is revealed to have been planted in his mind by Krona.

However, Zardor is (supposedly) a step ahead of Krona. He's been sapping the power of the Central Power Battery on Oa, and storing it in Sodam's body, as Sodam is the only one capable of storing that much power due to his time as host to Ion. In addition, during the battle on Earth where Parallax possess the Flash, Krona takes his eye off the ball, and Zardor removes Krona's control over Sodam and replaces it with his own.

Finally, Guy experiences the same blood communication as Ganthet, revealing to Kilowog and Arisia that Krona is the entity thief, while also revealing that his previous experiences (which I shan't mention here for fear of Pwning Pat killing me due to Spoilers) have given him visions...including one where he and Hal are battling each other to the death.


Green Lantern #63 (Prelude to the War)

The issue begins with a two page flashback sequence to before Krona and the rest of the Maltusians (who later became the Guardians) had their falling out. He talks with Ganthet about harnessing emotion, and after stating that he is preparing to look into the past to view the creation of the universe, the other Guardians have him arrested (using Manhunters). By the way, an interesting note, the mark of the Guardians? The White Light. Hmmm...

The issue moves into the present with the Guardian Council ordering Salaak to arrest Hal Jordan on charges of treason against the Green Lantern Corps. Hal is in deep space with the remaining New Guardians attempting to trace Krona. They travel to Ryut and discover that while regrouping after the attack on Earth, Krona has captured the Predator and now controls all the Emotional Entities. On Ryut, they discover the Book of the Black, which activates in the presence of the New Guardians, allowing them to see to the Manhunters attempting to capture Krona eons ago. Krona fashions a makeshift weapon, a gauntlet, to fight the Manhunters. He stumbles and falls, but is able to activate the gauntlet by "letting fear flow...and overcom[ing] it". His eyes glow green, and the gauntlet destroys all the Manhunters but one. Krona then manipulates the systems of the surviving Manhunter, and orders them to destroy all life in Sector 666. When captured and questioned, Krona states that he did this to point out the errors in an unfeeling police force. He says that he "wept for every single life that was extinguished", but he knows that the Guardians "did not shed a tear". Upon examining the gauntlet, Krona states that it is useless to the unfeeling Guardians, but soon, they will beware his power: The Lantern's Light. The issue ends with the Book of the Black revealing a page of the four Earth based Green Lanterns, with the tagline: There will only be three.

We've now established:
  • Krona created the prototype for the Green Lantern ring
  • Krona was responsible for the Massacre of Sector 666
  • Hal Jordan has been charged with treason against the Green Lantern Corps
  • The War of the Green Lanterns is almost certainly going to be: AWESOME!


There you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen. This post has all relevant information regarding the War of the Green Lanterns.

Coming soon: a primer for Flashpoint! Thoughts? Questions? Feedback is always welcome. Leave a comment or email

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