Monday, March 28, 2011

Level 19 - Week of 03/26/11

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to The Next Level. We are your source for comic book opinions and debates. I’m your host Stefan, and I’ll be here with you discussing Comic Books, Video Games, and other items of note. Please note, for a purely gaming blog, I'd recommend Pwning Pat's Game Blog. The Next Level would also like to thank Jackie Fong for designing our logo.

We've got a jam-packed post this week folks, as we'll be reviewing Daredevil Reborn #3, Ultimate Spider-Man #156, Green Lantern #64, and Green Lantern Corps #58.


Daredevil: Reborn #3

Not going to lie, I found this issue fairly boring until the end. The opening half of the issue is the continuation of the fight between Murdock and the corrupt cops in whatever warehouse he tracked them to. He hijacks a truck full of stolen guns, and the battle becomes a road chase. Eventually, Murdock loses the cops, and dumps the guns into the lake.

Shortly thereafter, Murdock is confronted by Calavera (the leader of the corrupt cops, while not a cop himself). Calavera threatens Murdock a bit, and then uses some from of mind scanning powers to reveal Murdock's soul. This results in a really nicely-drawn two page spread of many of the negative turns in Matt Murdock's life, such as the death's of Elektra and Karen Page, the rising of Shadowland, and the murder of Bullseye. Calavera then suggests that Murdock came after him because he wanted to die, and shoots him in the head.

So, as I stated in Level 5, I was concerned about the state of the Daredevil character coming out of this series. Since Level 5, it has been announced that Mark Waid will be taking over writing duties, and some of his comments have enhanced that concern. I don't mind take the character a bit more into the Marvel spotlight, but the grim and gritty take on the character has done extremely well. Now, I respect Waid as a writer, and as such I'm obliged to give his first arc a shot. But as for Daredevil: Reborn? I'm finishing it solely because I started it. I have no interest in the story anymore.


Ultimate Spider-Man #156

This issue worked in some ways, but not in others. The issue opens with S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers and acting director Carol Danvers standing near a tube containing Norman Osborn, thought dead since the events of Death of a Goblin a few years back. Neither S.H.I.E.L.D. nor Osborn can explain why he is now back among the living, and why is he is apparently powerless. At the same time, Peter is sitting to lunch with Mary Jane, but is called away by Captain America for his training. Cap takes him to a graveyard, and begins to berate him for acting like "a dumb teenager who thinks his time will never come". As Cap begins to tell him something that he claims is the most important thing that Spider-Man needs to go, he is called away. Apparently, Nick Fury's Black Ops squad (The Avengers) has gone rogue, and Captain America's squad (The Ultimates) has been tasked with apprehending them. This was a shameless method of tying in the Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates limited series.

At the same time this is happening, Osborn powers up, becoming the Green Goblin once more. He springs all 5 other members of the Sinister Six, and claims that God has given him the mission of killing Peter Parker. Across town, Spider-Man is watching the Ultimates and the Avengers fight, when he gets the call from MJ that Osborn is loose. She frantically warns him that he needs to "protect [his] familiy".

All in all, a good start to a well-promoted event. The story has an appropriate sense of scale, and I really hope that the Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates tie-in is for the sole purpose of keeping both teams away from Spider-Man while he goes toe-to-toe with the Sinister Six.


Green Lantern #64

The issue began with a quick overview of Hal Jordan; who he is, and what he stands for. It concludes with Salaak reminding his team that they are to arrest Hal Jordan for treason. At the same time, Sinestro is looking over the Book of the Black, discovered by the New Guardians last issue. Atrocitus states that due to the crimes against his people, when Krona is found, it will be Atrocitus who deals the final blow. However, Carol brings up an interesting question: if the Book of the Black contains such powers and secrets, why was it left alone? At this point, Lyssa Drak appears from within the book (sealed within it during Emerald Eclipse and freed by Krona during Untold Tales of the Blackest Night) and absorbs Larfleeze into the book.

The Guardians on Oa begin to debate whether or not the rings have a flaw after all of their champions fall from grace: The First Lantern, Krona, Sinestro, and Hal Jordan. During this debate, they can see the glint of the Seven Entities heading to Oa, chained to Krona. Back on Ryut, Lyssa Drak battles with the remaining New Guardians, capturing Atrocitus. Once again, back on Oa, Krona forcibly bonds the six remaining Guardians with Six of the Emotional Entities. Only Parallax is still free, and he takes his place back in the Central Power Battery of Oa. Shifting back to Ryut, The book captures all of the New Guardians, but Sinestro and Hal. In a last, desperate attempt to break free, the two unleash their rings at full blast, to no avail. The Book disappears after absorbing Sinestro, leaving the six rings of the other New Guardians. As Hal reaches for the rings, Salaak's team arrives to arrest him. However, with the Yellow Impurity back in place, Parallax reaches out into their minds and has them try to kill Hal. He escapes with the Six Rings, while Krona states that now the universe will see the true power of the Green Lantern Corps.

Overall, this book did everything right. By absorbing the New Guardians into the Book of the Black, we no longer need to worry about them in this war. In addition, the reference to the First Lantern, combined with the flashback shown in an earlier issue, is most likely a hint at the post-war direction of this series. Finally, we've also got an established reason as to why Parallax's influence isn't harming Hal: he's been possessed before, and is able to fight back. All in all, I was ready for part two. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long.


Green Lantern Corps #58

This issue continues the plot from Green Lantern #64. The issue began with a quick overview of Kyle Rayner and John Stewart; who they are, and what they stand for. The issue snaps back into real-time as the team formed to battle the Weaponer teleports back into the Positive Matter Universe. However, upon their arrival, all Alpha Lanterns shut down. After performing a cursory analysis determining that the Alphas were still alive, these Lanterns begin to feel the return of Parallax to the Central Power Battery. As most of the Lanterns skedaddle towards Oa, Kyle runs after Sora in an attempt to stop her. He is held back by John Stewart. At this moment, Kyle weakens and Parallax's influence leads him to attack John.

The battle continues as Parallax's influence causes Kyle, John, and Ganthet to engage in battle before Ganthet realizes what has happened. In response, he uses his power to remove the rings of Kyle and John, but in the process, his own ring self-destructs... taking Ganthet's hand along with it. Kyle and John are sent below Oa, as Ganthet surmises that the reason that they were not immediately possessed is due to their previous possession by Parallax, indicating a higher level of resistance. Ganthet then tasks Kyle and John to find Hal, Guy Gardner, and Kilowog (the only other Green Lanterns who had been previously possessed) in order to combat Krona, while he fends off the search party.

This issue was mainly a fight between John and Kyle. There is a reason for that. Because of the marketing of this event, we know that one of the four Earth-based Green Lanterns is going to die in this story. We also know that Hal and Guy are safe, as they both carry titles on their own. As a result, the death will either be John Stewart or Kyle Rayner. M money is on Rayner. So much of this issue's dialogue was written from Kyle's point of view, and with his past in mind. It seems a bit like an old anime cliche: if an episode focuses very strongly on a minor cast member, that cast member is set to die in that episode. However, in terms of advancing the overall plot, there was surprisingly little. I'm glad this issue didn't stand alone as the only issue of the War this week, as I would have been decidedly harder on it, but for now, I think the War is moving fairly well. I'm looking forward to the next issue.


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