Sunday, May 15, 2011

Level 23 - Week of 05/14/11

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to The Next Level. We are your source for comic book opinions and debates. I’m your host Stefan, and I’ll be here with you discussing Comic Books, Video Games, and other items of note. Please note, for a purely gaming blog, I'd recommend Pwning Pat's Game Blog. The Next Level would also like to thank Jackie Fong for designing our logo.

This week's post will feature The Flash #12, and Flashpoint #1.


The Flash #12

This issue begins with Zoom threatening Patty Spivot and Hot Pursuit attempting to send Kid Flash back to the future. However, with Zoom's reemergence, Hot Pursuit's Cosmic Nightstick reacts to the energies of the Negative Speed Force, and he realizes that Kid Flash is not the threat. He takes off, with Flash and Kid Flash following closely behind, and encounter Professor Zoom. Flash saves Patty, while Hot Pursuit attacks Zoom. However, during the battle, Hot Pursuit's helmet is destroyed. When Zoom realizes that Hot Pursuit is an alternate Barry Allen, he uses the red lightning to kill him and absorb some sort of his powers. He then proclaims that he will use the Negative Speed Force to change the world and then escapes.

Barry talks with Patty, who makes it abundantly clear that she still has feelings for him, but Barry remains loyal to his wife. Barry and Iris then go out for lunch, when she tells him that he needs to open back up to her. Shortly after, Barry is seen standing over his mother's grave with lighting striking in the back ground. The lightning starts coming from the opposite direction, and the final page of the book shows a large lightning bolt being struck by the red lightning.

This book was good, but felt a bit rushed. Everything was wrapped up a bit too quickly, but I was happy that this book came out on the same day as Flashpoint, because despite being marketed as a lead-in for Flashpoint, very very little information regarding that story was contained within these pages.


Flashpoint #1

The issue opens up with Barry Allen being woken up at his desk. His partner asks him about a murder case that he hasn't heard of, and his boss begins to make reference to Citizen Cold, which causes Barry to question if he meant Captain Cold. When Director Singh infers that he has no idea who that is, Barry attempts to run and turn into the Flash, but realizes that his ring and speed are gone. He falls down the stairs, and lands at the feet of his Mother, who is alive in this reality. Barry questions his mother on the members of the superhero community, but she only recognizes Batman's name. In Gotham, Batman meets with Cyborg, and many other heroes who are debating their course of action now that Aquaman's armies of Atlantis and Wonder Woman's armies of Themyscira have gone to war.

Barry goes to see his wife, but finds that she is married to someone else in this world, and decides to seek assistance from the only person who can help him. Back in Gotham, the majority of the heroes agree to side with Cyborg and fight against both armies, until Batman announces that he will not participate. Once Batman leaves, everyone who pledged to aid Cyborg reneges. Shortly thereafter, Barry arrives at the Wayne Mansion, hoping to enlist Bruce's assistance to figure out what's going on, but after a quick altercation with Batman, he realizes that Batman is in fact...


Seriously, Spoilers... Highlight the Area below if you really want to know.

Thomas Wayne.


This issue was mainly universe-building. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but I felt that last month's Fear Itself #1 was a better opening salvo.

Thoughts? Questions? Feedback is always welcome. Leave a comment or email

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